Wednesday 11 February 2015

Celebrity Special: Lee Jong Suk & his Acting Skills

I know I did a post on Lee Jong Suk not that long ago (2 days ago to be exact), but I've been watching Secret Garden, and I couldn't help notice that Lee Jong Suk is an amazing actor and sexy as fuck. Lee Jong Suk is obviously very popular as he part of the "Fantasic Four of Hallyu", which means he's one of top 4 male actors in Korea. So, of course he is skillful, but I meant it differently.

In Secret Garden, he plays the role of Han Tae Sun, a young genius musician who is quite cold and prickly. It's however revealed about 5 episodes into the series that Tae Sun is gay, and grows a forbidden one-sided crush on the second male lead, Oska. I knew that this was going to happen when I started watching Secret Garden, but I only really noticed how well Jong Suk plays his character when it's revealed. You can quite easily tell after that that he is gay because of the way he dresses, his earring (having a single pierced earring in your left ear is a way of telling people you are homosexual), the way he walks and his acting in general towards Oska. 

Even though Jong Suk is heterosexual, he pulled off the role brilliantly and his acting is superb. And don't forget that Secret Garden was 5 years ago, so he would have only been 20. And this was also his second drama, so it was his third time acting (he also did one movie beforehand). Being capable of acting like he did after only a year of acting is great, and his 5 years of modelling before helped with his confidence and acting.

This just shows how brilliant my bae, Lee Jong Suk, is.

Lee Jong Suk playing as Han Tae Sun in Secret Garden (Episode 5)

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